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Terms of Service

This site is a marketplace platform that connects users. BnBunite is not a party to any rental agreement or any transaction between the users of this site. We advise all users to be responsible for their actions on this platform and any transaction agreement entered into as a result of any property listing on this platform. BnBunite is not an acting agent for any user. BnBunite doesn’t own any property on the platform. All hosts are required to comply with all laws pertaining to hosting your property in your jurisdiction. We offer a platform texting tool to enable users to communicate with each other. There may be situations when BnBunite may be legally obligated to comply with governmental bodies in relation to investigations when it relates to users on this platform. BnBunite will take many precautions to prevent illegal activity against our users.

2. User Conduct
All users are required to always be respectful to other users and BnBunite staff or lose the privilege to use this platform.

3. Your Email
When you provide your email address you agree that BnBunte and its affiliates may add your email to its user database, and you may receive some promotional emails each month.

4. Payments
To avoid scams and the loss of your funds, it is always recommended that you keep all payment on this platform. Using other services to transfer funds will leave you with no recourse in the event of fraud.

5. Host/Refunds
Host final payment will be transferred to the bank account you added to your account (3) days after the reservation is finished, but the first payment transaction could take between 2-3 weeks. Refunds are issued 3-5 days after initiated, the final determination of when the funds will be available relies on your banking institution.

6. Photos/Images
You recognize that by posting images on this platform, grants BnBunite the rights to use your property images for advertising, marketing, commercials and for other purposes in any media or other platform. Property images are to be of the property you are listing on the platform. Property images are to be clear of people, and any controversial images. BnBunite has the authority to remove any images it deems inappropriate. All pictures submitted to this platform gives BnBunite the rights to use the likeness for marketing purposes on other platforms. All images go through a verification process that could take up to 48 hours. Users agree that they have the rights to all images they post on this platform.

7. Profile Picture
All users are required to have a current and clear headshot profile picture. Users’ selfie picture will become their default profile picture. The default picture can be changed by the user.

8. Insurance
All rentals come with $3,000 in property damage for the duration of the rental, and $100,000 in liability. The amount of $7.00 per day will be deducted from the host funds before final payment for property damage. And guests will be charged $5.00 per day for liability insurance. For damage/liability claims funds will be transferred 30 days after BnBunite has received a police report, after BnBunite does its own investigation, and all other channels have been exhausted by the host to be made whole. BnBunite will then determine the validity of the claim. An actual short-term rental property policy (Is Recommended).

9. Fees

  • • Are charged a fixed 4% service fee when booking a property.
  • • Are charged $5.00 per day for liability Coverage.
  • • Are charged a 3% transaction fee.
  • • Are charged $7.00 per day for property damage coverage.

10. Cancellation Policy
BnBunite offers a standard cancellation policy for all host.

  • • Guests get a 100% refund if they cancel at least 30 days before their check-in date.
  • • If guests cancel 14 days before check-in, they get a 50% refund (excluding the service fee).
  • • Cancellations less than 14 days before check-in are non-refundable.
  • • Guest will receive a 100% refund if the host cancels at any point.

10.2 Host/Property Inaccuracies
Guests will have the option to ask for a refund if:

  • • The host becomes unresponsive or a no show at check-in if the property is not self-check-in.
  • • The property does not match the listing description that’s on the website.
  • • The property contains safety or health hazards.
  • • The property contains pests.
  • • The special amenities are non-functionable.
  • • The property is not reasonably clean.

10.3 If a Host Cancels a Confirmed Reservation:

  • • If a reservation is canceled more than 30 days before check-in the host will be charged 15% of the reservation amount.
  • • If the reservation is canceled between 72 hours and 30 days before check-in the host will be charged 25% of the reservation amount.
  • • If a reservation is canceled less than 72 hours of check-in the host will be charged 60% of the reservation amount.
  • • If a reservation is more than 14 days, the percentage charged to the host will be based on the amount of the reservation.
  • • If the host becomes known for canceling confirmed reservations, the host will be banned from hosting the property or properties on the platform.
  • • If a host cancels a confirmed reservation during a reservation for anything other than guests breaking house rules, the host/property will be banned from the platform.
  • • The host payment method on file will be charged for all violations. If BnBunite is unable to retrieve the funds, the host and all properties will be banned indefinitely.
  • • In some cases, the host cancellation fees will be held from their next reservation.
  • • The minimum cancellation fee is $40.
  • • After a cancellation by the host, their booking calendar may be blocked on those canceled days for that property.

11. Check-in/Check-out
All host will determine their own check-in and check-out times for their property. If a guest wants to check-in earlier or check-out later, the guest must get an approval from the host. After getting an approval from the host, the guests may be charged an extra fee by the host.

12. Cleaning Fees
No cleaning fees for all reservations.

13. Hosting Posting Fees
All host will be able to post their properties for free.

14. Subscription Fee
BnBunite does Not charge a subscription fee.

15. Commission Fee
BnBunite does Not charge a commission fee.

16. Pet Fee
BnBunite does Not charge pet fees.

17. Identity Verification
All users are required to email a picture of the front & back of their unexpired government ID and a selfie to (idverify@BnBunite.com). Both images must match each other. The name on the ID must match the name of the users account on the platform. All images go through a verification process that could take between 3-5 days. Once verified, users will be able to post properties and place reservations.

18. Rewards Program

Users that have completed a reservation for that month are automatically entered to win cash rewards for that month. The winners will be randomly selected from a completed reservation for that month. Their will be multiple winners each month.
Prize amounts are:

  • • $1,000
  • • $2,500
  • • $5,000
  • • $10,000
The prize amount will be split between the host and guest. Winners are required to send a clear full body picture. Your picture and first name may be used by BnBunite on other platforms for marketing purposes indefinitely. The prize money may be in the form of a check that is mailed to the address on file or transferred to the payment method on file at the time of the drawing. Prize money is non-transferable. All guests will receive a 10% discount at booking when compared to Airbnb & VRBO.

19. College Scholarship Program
BnBunite’s scholarship program will only be rewarded to users that have completed a booking on the platform. The scholarship funds can be transferred to another individual if the user does not have any school debt. If transferring your eligibility to another person, their essay must accompany a notarized letter from the eligible user, indicating why you’re transferring your eligibility to this person.

19.1 Essay must be/have:

  • • 500-1,000 words (about you, and why you)
  • • In APA format
  • • In PDF format
  • • School or loan holder name and acct# must be in the email.
  • • Your address in the email.
  • • Emailed to: Scholarship@BnBunite.com

19.2 How Funds are Delivered
BnBunite will mail a check to the randomly selected winner. The check will be indorsed to the educational institution, or to your loan holder with your name and account number in the memo section.

19.3 Scholarship Amounts

  • • $1,000
  • • $2,000
  • • $5,000
  • • $10,000

19.4 Scholarship Winners
A winner can be selected no more than (3) times in a calendar year. Scholarship winners must submit a clear picture of themselves before funds are released. BnBunite retain the rights to all images/photos submitted for advertising purposes on social media platforms.

20. Guests Responsibility
Most of the time, you stay at your host's primary home. All guest must therefore treat the host's household with respect, the same way you would like guests to treat your home, caring for your host's home as if it were your own. By opening their home, is placing a lot of faith in you. As a guest, it is therefore important to do your utmost to thank your host for their generosity by taking care of their home. You should leave the house in the same condition you found it when you arrived.

Cleaning Tips

  • Clean each room before your departure.
  • Empty the refrigerator if necessary.
  • Make the bed with clean sheets if available.
  • Empty all trash cans.
  • Put used sheets and towels away.

  • Before check-in, you and your host should agree on the household responsible for your stay. Normally, the guest is responsible for leaving the house as they found it. It’s the guest’s responsibility to perform the different household chores agreed upon with the host.

    21. Host Responsibilities
    When a guest arrives at a BnBunite property, which may vary depending on the specific circumstances and location. Here are some common responsibilities a host should consider:

  • Provide a warm welcome: A host should greet the guest in person if possible, introduce themselves, and give a friendly welcome. This can help set a positive tone for the guests’ stay and make them feel comfortable and welcomed.
  • Give a property tour if possible: A host should show the guest around the property and explain how to use any appliances, electronics, or amenities available. This can help the guest settle in and feel at home.
  • Provide necessary information: A host should provide the guest with any necessary information about the property, such as emergency contact information, instructions for check-out, and the Wi-Fi password. The host should also inform the guest about any rules or policies, such as quiet hours.
  • Address any concerns: If the guest has any concerns or questions about the property, the host should address them promptly and professionally. This can help the guest feel more comfortable and ensure their stay is enjoyable.
  • Be available for assistance: A host should be available for assistance during the guest's stay in case of emergencies.
  • 22. Logo/Use of Our Name
    BnBunite does Not give anyone permission to use its logo for any purpose. You may Not use the BnBunite name in a way to mislead someone in to believing you are sponsored by BnBunite. Without BnBunite permission.

    23. Prohibitions

    • • Modifying or copying materials.
    • • Commercial use or public display.
    • • Reverse engineering software.
    • • Removing copyright marks.
    • • Transferring or mirroring content.

    24. Acceptance

    • Accessing this website means agreeing to these terms.
    • Follow all laws.
    • Content is protected by copyright and trademark laws.

    25. Use of License

    • License Type:  Limited, non-exclusive, and revocable.
    • Usage:  Personal, non-commercial view.

    26. Disclaimer

    • BnBunite does not own or manage any property that is listed on this platform.
    • The listing host sets prices, fees, and check-in/check-out times etc.

    27. Liability

    • BnBunite holds no liability for damages from using the website.

    28. Revisions

    • Materials may have errors.
    • Content can change without notice.

    29. Links

    • Not responsible for external links.
    • No endorsements implied.

    30. Modifications

    • Terms can change without notice.

    31. Privacy

    • See our Privacy Policy for data handling details.